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Beneficial Reuse and Recycling

By on February 4, 2014 in Going Green with 0 Comments
Beneficial Reuse and Recycling

Re-using (or re-purposing) materials safely to reduce or eliminate waste streams is a priority for EPA. Beneficial reuse of industrial byproducts can positively impact the environment by preserving limited landfill space that otherwise would be consumed by normal disposal of industrial byproducts and reducing the demand for virgin materials thereby preserving natural resources. Re-use can […]

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How do I get an EPA ID number?

By on February 2, 2014 in Going Green with 0 Comments
How do I get an EPA ID number?

There are several different types of EPA ID numbers. Some ID numbers are issued when a permit is granted. Many EPA permit programs are administered by the states. In many cases they are the first point of contact for obtaining permits and ID numbers. You can locate the various state agencies in the Directory of […]

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Battery Recycling is a Great Way to Go Green!

By on January 20, 2014 in Going Green with 0 Comments
Battery Recycling is a Great Way to Go Green!

Batteries are essential for many of our every-day activities, and we can be responsible battery-users by properly recycling all used and dead batteries instead of throwing them into the landfill. BatteriesĀ mustĀ be recycled properly. When batteries are recycled, they are broken down into their components so that new batteries can be made. If batteries go to […]

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Welcome to our *NEW* Website!

By on January 20, 2014 in Announcements with 0 Comments
Welcome to our *NEW* Website!

We’re excited to have a new website! We hope that you enjoy the design, layout, and everything else. We hope to keep this website updated regularly and provide resources for you to consider. We look forward to your participation. Thanks for visiting us!

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